
What is meditation?

Meditation can have many meanings. To be with yourself, to focus, to detach oneself from the world, to become more conscious, to relax, to breathe... What I want to talk about here is to concentrate on yourself. Focusing on one's own life, on our dreams, our potential and our behaviour towards our body. In our everyday life we experience so much stress. We don't take time for ourselves. That is so important. I would like to tell you a little about my perspective. If you like, read my page about motivation.


  • Relaxation, dealing with stress
  • Get to know ourselves
  • Better know what your body and mind needs
  • Bring peace in our daily life
  • Live more consciously, dream more consciously
  • Reveals many paths for things that seem unsolvable


  • None
  • Relaxation, dealing with stress
  • Get to know ourselves
  • Better know what your body and mind needs
  • Bring peace in our daily life
  • Live more consciously, dream more consciously
  • Reveals many paths for things that seem unsolvable
  • None

My experience with meditation

When I started meditating last year, I learned a lot about myself and my body. Since I work full time, it is not always easy to reconcile work, therapy and life. Many times I distracted myself, especially when I was feeling bad. I did not thought about myself, did not know what I actually wanted to do.

Da begann ich mit Meditation. Im Appstore gibt es genügend Apps, die dich dabei unterstützen. Ich verwende “Calm”. Ich begann, all zwei Tage zu meditieren. Anfangs war das ziemlich schwer. Für 10-20 Minuten still zu sitzen und an nichts zu denken? Fast unmöglich. Meine Gedanken an den Alltag hielten mich davon ab, konzentriert zu sein. Den auch hier gilt, Übung macht den Meister. Und schon eine kurze Zeit später fiehl es mir viel leichter, mich zu entspannen und zuzuhören. Ich fing an, über mich und mein Leben nachzudenken. Ich bin mir bewusst wie sich das anhört, sehr spirituell, nicht wahr? Sollte es auch sein. Wann hast Du Dir das letzte Mal Zeit genommen, um über Dich zu reflektieren? Normalerweise machen wir das nicht.

Why meditation helps me with CF?

Du und ich wissen, wie verheerend CF sein kann. Aus dem Nichts kann sie kommen und alles nehmen was wir haben. Oftmals sind Einbrüche in der Gesundheit auch mit mentalem Schmerz verbunden.  Die Meditation gibt uns einen Ort, an dem wir über uns nachdenken können und so lernen, mit schwierigen Situationen umzugehen. Durch die Meditation wurde mir bewusst, was ich in meinem Leben schon erreicht habe, was ich noch erreichen will. Dies gab mir enorm Motivation, viel mehr für meine Gesundheit zu tun. Auch entstand die Idee dieser Website in einem “spirituellem” Moment. 

You see, meditation can be worth a lot. Try it out! You can't lose anything, only win.

How do I correctly meditate?

The great thing is, there are tons of ways to meditate. The technique doesn't matter, you know why? As soon as you meditate for a while, something will happen automatically. Your mind will automatically start to feed you the right thoughts. 

Below a few meditations:

  • Take 15 minutes (best every day) and sit down in a quiet place. This can be at home or in a nice place. Close your eyes and let all your thoughts float by. Don't hang on to one, let him go. Then see what happens
  • Meanwhile there are many apps and books to support you in your meditation. Run an app, it will guide you through the meditation.
  • Yoga is also a form of meditation that focuses on breathing.
  • Follow a hobby that you can do alone and in peace. Be that puzzling, assembling something, making music, listening to music, etc. Concentrate on the activity and make sure you don't have any distractions. This method can also work miracles.
  • On the right you will find a video in which Mady Morrison leads you through a meditation. 

How do I correctly meditate?

The great thing is, there are tons of ways to meditate. The technique doesn't matter, you know why? As soon as you meditate for a while, something will happen automatically. Your mind will automatically start to feed you the right thoughts. 

Below a few meditations:

  • Take 15 minutes (best every day) and sit down in a quiet place. This can be at home or in a nice place. Close your eyes and let all your thoughts float by. Don't hang on to one, let him go. Then see what happens
  • Meanwhile there are many apps and books to support you in your meditation. Run an app, it will guide you through the meditation.
  • Yoga is also a form of meditation that focuses on breathing.
  • Follow a hobby that you can do alone and in peace. Be that puzzling, assembling something, making music, listening to music, etc. Concentrate on the activity and make sure you don't have any distractions. This method can also work miracles.
  • On the right you will find a video in which Mady Morrison leads you through a meditation.